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Vim, initially

Here is a list of Vim mnemonics you might say out loud.

10,000 BC
10000bc{motion} -- move back 10000 characters, delete {motion} text and insert
bfg10k -- move back a word, move up 10 lines
dvd -- delete from beginning of line to the cursor (why?)
lmn8r{char} -- move right, set mark "n", replace the character under the cursor with 8 {char}s.
ntt -- jump to the next match of / or ?, move the cursor one space before the next "t"
xlnc{motion} -- delete a character, move right, jump to the next / or ? search, delete {motion} and enter insert mode
F-Zero GX
f0gx -- move right to the next "0" and open the file with the OS default appliaction
Nine-dash line
9-_ -- move 9 lines upward, then zero lines downward, placing the cursor on the first non-blank character
One A.M.
1am -- enter insert mode and type one "m" after cursor
Star Control I
*ctrl-i -- search forward for the word under the cursor and attempt to jump forward (which will not work)
tds -- move the cursor one space before the next "d", delete the character under the cursor and enter insert mode.